30 XTP CrossPoint 1600 and
Command | SIS Command | Response | Additional Description |
| (Host to Unit) | (Unit to Host) |
Audio output volume |
Set the volume to a specific value | X@*X1%V | OutX@•VolX1%] |
Example: | 1*50v | ] | Set output 1 volume to 79%. |
Out01•Vol50 | |||
Increment volume | X@+V | OutX@•VolX1%] | Increase volume by 1 step. |
Example: | 1+V | ] |
Out01•Vol51 |
| ||
Decrement volume | OutX@•VolX1%] | Decrease volume by 1 step. | |
Read output volume | X@V | X1%] |
Audio mutes |
3200 • Remote Control
Audio mute, HDMI | X@*1Z | AmtX@*1] |
Audio mute, analog | X@*2Z | AmtX@*2] |
Audio mute, both | X@*3Z | AmtX@*3] |
Audio unmute | X@*0Z | AmtX@*0] |
Read audio mute | X@Z | X1)] |
Global audio mute, HDMI | 1*Z | Amt1] |
Global audio mute, analog | 2*Z | Amt2] |
Global audio mute, both | 3*Z | Amt3] |
Global audio unmute | 0*Z | Amt0] |
Mute output X@ HDMI (embedded digital audio off). Mute output X@ analog (analog audio off).
Mute all output X@ audio (HDMI and analog audio off). Unmute output X@ (HDMI and analog audio on).
1 = mute on, 0 = mute off.
Mute all embedded digital audio outputs. Mute all analog audio outputs.
Mute all embedded digital and analog audio outputs. Unmute all audio outputs.
NOTE: | • = Space |
| |
| X@ = Output number | 01 – 16 or 32 |
| ||
| X1) | = Mute | 0 | = off (unmuted) | 2 | = analog on (analog muted) |
| X1% |
| 1 | = HDMI on (HDMI muted) | 3 | = HDMI and analog on (both muted) |
| = Volume adjustment range | 0 | – 64 (1 dB/step except for |
XTP CrossPoint 1600 and 3200 • Remote Control 31
Command | SIS Command | Response |
| Additional Description |
| |
| (Host to Unit) |
| (Unit to Host) |
View video and audio mutes |
View output mutes | EVM} |
| X1^1X1^2... X1^n] | Each X1^ response is the mute status of an output, starting | ||
| from output 1. n = either 16 or 32. | ||
Example : | EVM} |
| Audio is muted on outputs 2 and 3, video on output 5, | ||
(XTP CrossPoint 3200) | Mut02201000000000000000000002000000] and video and audio on output 26. All other outputs are | |||||
| unmuted. |
| |
List Digital Sync Validation Processing (DSVP) |
| |
List sync of all inputs | 0LS |
| X1&1X1&2X1&3 ... X1&n] | 16 or 32 (n) X1&s; each is the signal status of an input, | ||
| starting from input 1. |
| |
Example | 0LS |
| no input detected input detected |
| ||
(XTP CrossPoint 3200): |
| Response Status: 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 . . . 0 |
| ||
| Input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 32 |
| |
Lock (Executive) modes |
NOTE: See Setting the front panel locks (executive modes) on page 18 for more information on the Lock modes. |
| |||||
Lock all front panel functions | 1X |
| Exe1] | Enable Lock mode 1. |
| |
Lock advanced front panel | 2X |
| Exe2] | Enable Lock mode 2. |
| |
functions |
Unlock all front panel functions | 0X |
| Exe0] | Enable Lock mode 0. |
| |
View lock status | X |
| X1*] |
NOTE: X1^ = Video and audio mute status | 0 = no mutes | 2 = audio mute |
| |||
X1& = Signal detection status | 1 = video mute | 3 = video and audio mute |
| |||
0 = no input connected | 1 = input connected |
| ||||
X1* = Lock mode |
| 0 = lock mode 0 (unlocked) | 1 = lock mode 1 | 2 = lock mode 2 |