Traps & MIBs
DSL Endpoint MIB
This DSL Endpoint MIB, pdn_DslEndpoint.mib, facilitates configuration of DSL multirate products and is fully supported. Objects are clarified in Table
HIP Routing Group ± This table is an extension of the ipCidrRoute table (see IP CIDR Route Group (RFC 2096) on page
HIP Multicast Group
HIP Processing Group
HConsole Group
ipCidrRouteUpstreamNextHop | Corresponds to the upstream Next Hop | H Ethernet Interface IP address. |
(IpCidrRouteXEntry 1) | Router address. If the DSL interface is | H ± No upstream next hop |
| numbered, each upstream Next Hop Router | |
| is identified. | |
| address must be in a subnet defined by a | |
| |
| DSL interface IP address and subnet mask. |
ipCidrRouteDownstreamValid | If false, the row containing it is not valid for | H true |
(IpCidrRouteXEntry 2) | downstream routing. | H false |
| |
ipCidrClearAllRoutes | If set to clear, all IP routes are removed from | H noOp |
(IpCidrRouteX 2) | the routing table. | H clear |
| |
ipCidrRouterID | Specifies the router ID (primary IP address). | Must be equal to a nonzero value |
(IpCidrRouteX 3) |
| for the interface IP address. |
pdnlpMulticastEnable | Enables or disables forwarding of IP | H enable |
(pdnRouterConfiguration 1) | multicast packets. | H disable |
| |
pdnlpProcessingEnable | Enables or disables service domain | This setting is retained across |
(pdnRouterConfiguration 2) | processing of IP packets. | power cycles. |
pdnConsoleEnabled | Enables or disables the console port. | H true(1) ± Enable. |
(pdnRouterConfiguration 7) |
| H false(2) ± Disable. |
| |
August 2000 |