OnSite Series Getting Started GuideC • Terms and Acronyms
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal |
AMI | Alternate Mark Inversion |
AU | Administrative Unit |
AUX | Auxiliary (port) |
B |
BIP | Bit Interleaved Parity |
BBE | Background Block Error |
BER | Bit Error Rate |
BPV | Bipolar Violation |
B3ZS | Bipolar with |
B8ZS | Bipolar with |
C |
cHEC | core Header Error Check |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
CSU/DSU | Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit |
D |
DNU | Do Not Use (for synchronization) |
E |
E1 | European digital signal hierarchy level 1 |
EB | Errored Block |
EDC | Error Detection Code |
EIA | Electronics Industries Alliance |
EOW | Engineering Orderwire |
ES | Errored Second |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EXM | Extension Header Mismatch |
EXZ | Excessive Zeros |
G |
GFP | Generic Framing Procedure |
H |
HDB3 | |
HP | |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
I |
IP | Internet Protocol |
Abbreviations | 65 |