Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch
66666666802.1p Priority Class
This page is revealed when the “IEEE802.1p” mode is configured. As shown below:
FFFFFFFFFFFF802.1p Priority
¾¾ Priority Tag: The priority tag defined in IEEE802.1p.
¾¾ Corresponding Priority Class: Indicates the inner priority classes of switch. The tagged frames are classified into four classes inside the switch: lowest, lower, higher and highest. When the “Weighted” priority rule is configured, a 1,2,4,8 weighting is applied to forward these four classes of packets.
Further explanation: In IEEE802.1p priority mode, when a switch port receives an untagged frame (a frame without priority tag\, the port's default priority tag will be inserted into the frame before any other process.
666666 Port Mirroring
This page contains the following fields:
¾¾ Mirror Mode: Set the mirror mode to monitor the ingress traffic, egress traffic, or both. You can also disable port mirroring.
¾¾ Mirror Port: Defines the port to monitor the traffic. Trunk member can't be defined here.
¾¾ Mirrored Port: Indicates the port from which the packets are mirrored. Trunk member can't be defined here. At most 4 ports can be mirrored simultaneously.
¾¾ Clean Up: Clean Up the Mirrored Port list.
Web Management 48