Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch
6666 Overview
The Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch is managed via WEB pages. The smart and friendly interfaces make the switch management an easy job.
6666 Connecting to the Device
666666 Getting Started
Before connecting to the WEB server (switch\, the installation of WEB browser, which supports JavaScript, must be completed in the computer.
Due to the difference of parsing syntax, the WEB page shows may differ between variable WEB browsers. Microsoft Internet Explorer of version 5.0 or higher is recommended. If Netscape is selected, please ensure the latest version. To obtain excellent display quality, a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher is necessary.
The appropriate configuration of WEB browser must be ensured before switch management. An example of configuration using IE on Windows XP is given below.
Firstly, select
FFFFFFFFFFF Internet Options Dialog
Web Management 22