3Com recommends that you load Card and Socket Services into upper memory by using the DEVICEHIGH statement to load these programs. Consult your Card Services documentation for more information. For example, type:
DEVICEHIGH=C:\<directory name>\SS365SL.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\<directory name>\CS.EXE
If Your Computer Does Not Have Card Services
The 3C689 adapter has intelligent drivers and configuration software that detect the presence of Card Services. If Card Services is not present, then the adapter automatically uses its
Avoiding Memory Manager Conflicts
If you are running Card Services, you may need to inform the memory manager already loaded on your computer of the address range used by the 3C689 adapter. To inform the memory manager, follow these steps:
1Make a backup copy of the CONFIG.SYS file. Type:
2Use a text editor to edit out the startup command for the memory manager located in the CONFIG.SYS file. The startup command will look similar to this:
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems
To edit out this command, type REM in front of it:
REM device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems
3Save the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot the computer.
4Insert the TokenDisk diskette into the floppy drive and make that drive the active drive. For example, type:
5At the prompt, type:
Install [Enter]