Connecting an Answering Machine
Note: When FaxAbility or Fax Duet (distinctive ring) is used, the answering machine may be connected to any extension of the same line.
Important: In New Zealand, not all standard telephones and answering machines will respond to incoming ringing when connected to the extension socket of the equipment.
Changing the outgoing message
The outgoing message (OGM) of your answering machine should be changed to inform callers who want to send a fax to press their Start key. For example, your message might go as follows:
"Hello. You've reached the ABC company. No one is available to take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep or press your facsimile Start key to send a fax. Thank you for calling."
♦Try to keep the length of the message under 10 seconds. If it is too long, you may have difficulty receiving faxes sent by automatic dialing.
♦If your outgoing message must be longer than 10 seconds, leave a pause of about four seconds at the beginning of the message. This will give your fax a chance to detect fax tones sent when automatic dialing is used.
Activating the answering machine connection
Before you go out, activate the answering machine connection as follows:
1 Set the reception mode to A.M.