6Programming for exchange keys
Currency exchange rate (e) PGM 1 PGM 2
To keep the current setting
[through Ò
* Exchange rate
* Currency exchange rate: 0.000000 - 999.999999 |
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| ||||
| Note | You must use a decimal point when setting conversion rates that are fractional. | ||||
| Example | Assigning 0.6068 to the [key |
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| Key operation |
[0 . 6068 :
Exchange rate
7Programming for the • , r , p , ' and ” keys
High amount lockout (HALO) (• , r , p , ' and ”) PGM 2
To keep the current setting |
| ||
Corresponding key | *A B | Å | ; |
*AB is the same as A x 10B
A:Significant digit (1 through 9)
B:Number of zeros to follow the significant digit (0 through 8)
Example | Programming a HALO limit of 1000.00 (15) for the }key |
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| Key operation |
}15 Å
HALO limit