13.Click FINISH to complete the installation.
Notes about the Exchange installation
In order to perform, supervise and synchronize all the bookings between Ex- change an TMS, the installation of the Exchange component causes 2 user-ac- counts to be created.
In the domain where the exchange server resides, a user ‘tms-service’ is cre- ated if choosing to let the installer create the user. On the user database of the TMS server, a user account ‘tmsconfuser’ is created, or if opting for using an existing user, the AD user specified will be added to the TMS database. If you want to change the email address of either of these accounts, make sure that they both have the same mail address. This address needs to be a legal ad- dress that can receive e-mail. To verify this, make a booking in TMS and open the Configuration Tool of the Exchange Integration. The Configuration Tool will report the time of the last notification of a TMS booking in the bottom right cor- ner. If the text ‘No TMS Notification received’ is displayed, the e-mail address is incorrectly configured.
The tms-service account must not have a group policy restricting the “Log on as a batch job” privilege. If there is such a policy, the following behaviour can be seen: It works well right after installation, but after an undetermined amount of time (based on Group Policy timings) errors like “The configured identity is incorrect” can be seen in the configuration tool logs when you start the configuration tool, and in the Event Log. The error will temporarily go away if you reset the password, but only until the Group Policy is reapplied. The only solution is to make sure the Group Policy doesn’t remove this privilege.