Appendix B
To control the logging of TANDBERG Exchange Integration, the registry is used. This is used both to disable logging, and control the amount of events that are logged.
All values are stored in the ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tandberg\ TANDBERG Management Suite Exchange Integration’ hive. All values in this hive are strings (REG_SZ).
To specify the log directory, set the destination path in the string ‘Log directory’.
The actual logging is controlled by two different values for each component. LogLevel and LogMode. Add the values LogLevel <component> and LogMode <component>, where <component > can be CalendarSink, Synchronizer, Confer- enceAPI, ConfigureResources, SetupApp, TMSExchangeSetup or InboxSink.
The Loglevel value is used for controlling the amount of events that are logged for a particular component, and LogMode is used to determine if the Exchange Integration will log to file or OutputDebugString. Use the freely downloadable DebugView (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/Miscellaneous/De- bugView.mspx) from Sysinternals to view output to OutputDebugstring.
To control the LogLevel, the following data is valid for the LogLevel values:
Value | Meaning |
Off | |
Errors only | |
0 | Errors and Info (Default) |
1023 | Full log for debugging |
E.g. LogLevel ConferenceAPI = “1023” will turn on full logging for the Confer- enceAPI component.
To control the LogMode, the following data is valid for the LogMode values:
Value | Meaning |
1 | Log to file (Default) |
2 | Log to OutputDebugstring |
Log size and rotation
To prevent the logs from getting too big, taking up too much disc space, the user can control the maximum size and rotation of the logs. This is done globally, so all logs share the same rotation and sizing rules.
The ‘Log Size’ value is used to control size. The log size is a string where the max- imum size of log files is set in bytes. E.g ‘Log Size’ data can be set to ‘10485760’ for 10MB log files. This is the default value.
The rotating works as follows. When the log of a particular component increases over the max size, the log will be renamed with a .bak extension. Then a new log will be created with the same name.
E.g. the ConferenceAPI.log will be renamed to ConferenceAPI.bak when the size limit is met. If a ConferenceAPI.bak file already exists, this will be deleted first. After this, a new log with the name ConferenceAPI.log will be created.