Interface Connections and First Time
Enter choice.
1)fastethernet 1 12) fastethernet 12
2)fastethernet 2 13) fastethernet 13
3)fastethernet 3 14) fastethernet 14
4)fastethernet 4 15) fastethernet 15
5)fastethernet 5 16) fastethernet 16
6)fastethernet 6 17) gigabitethernet 17
7)fastethernet 7 18) gigabitethernet 18
8) | fastethernet | 8 | 19) | management | 1 |
9) | fastethernet | 9 | 20) | management | 2 |
10)fastethernet 10 X) Exit
11)fastethernet 11
Enter choice <1 - 20, X>[X]:
Enter IP Address []:
9.Configure all additional interfaces.
Continue configuring interfaces <Y or N>[N]: Enter choice.
1)fastethernet 1
2)fastethernet 2
3)fastethernet 3
19)management 1
20)management 2
Enter choice <1 - 21>[1]:
Enter IP address and mask :
Continue configuring interfaces <Y or N>[N]:
Continue this step until all interfaces are configured.
10.Configure your default gateway.
Default gateway
This section allows you to configure a default gateway for the system. Please provide an IP address, in dotted decimal format.
Default gateway []:
| 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide |