4.5.11 System
This page provides various options to reboot, restore defaults, upgrade firmware and download/upload configuration for the iServer. Fields are described below.
Figure 4.22 iServer SYSTEM Page
Reboot – Clicking on OK button will reboot the iServer.
After rebooting, please wait 15 seconds before reconnecting.
Defaults – Clicking on OK button will reset the iServer to factory default settings.
After Defaults, you need to reboot.
Upgrade – Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade, enter the name of the file you plan to use, click on Check File Name button.
If OK, a new screen will appear and you can then browse to the actual upgrade firmware file “iSeries_EIT_x.bin” and click on the Upload button.
After the file has upgraded the iServer will automatically reboot and load the new firmware, you will be returned to the Welcome page.
Before upgrading, it is recommended to save the configuration Download Config.
After upgrade load Defaults. IP default is It is recommended to reboot after loading Defaults.
If you do not reboot the unit will not load the configurations.
After connecting to the IP via the web browser, upload the saved configuration file, Upload Config.