Assign a New Director IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address
If you are using the local
If you are running the CLI remotely, you can change the IP Address, but when you do, you will lose your SSH connection since it is talking to the old IP Address. In that case, initiate a new SSH session to the new IP address and you can continue using the CLI remotely.
To assign a new IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address to Director:
1.Enter sysip show. The current IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address are displayed.
2.Enter sysip set ipaddr=<new ip address> netmask=<new netmask> gw=<new gateway>. The IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address are made pending.
3.Enter sysip show. Verify that the displayed IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address are the desired values.
4.Enter sysip commit to activate the new IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway IP Address.
Example: sysip set ipaddr= netmask= gw= sysip commit
The sysip command accepts one, two, or three parameters, so you only need to include the ones you want to change. For example, to change the IP Address but leave the Netmask and Gateway IP Address the same, enter sysip set ipaddr=<new ip address>.
Assign a New Manager IP Address
Configure the Manager IP Address to the IP Address of the remote management server, for example an IBM Tivoli or HP OpenView server.
To assign a new Manager IP address to Director:
Change Port Modes
To change the port mode:
1.Enter port set ports=<portlist> autoneg=< on off> speed=< 10 100 1000 > duplex=< full half> to set the mode of a 10/100/1000 Copper port.
Example: Enter port set ports=n1.5 autoneg=off speed=100 to set Network Port 5 in DNM 1 to 100Mbps fixed speed. Duplex mode is left in its default state of full duplex.
2.Repeat Step 1 as desired for ports n1.2 to n1.12, n2.1 to n2.12, m.1 to m.12, and t.1 to t.2; this procedure only affects 10/100/1000 Copper ports.
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