4 - Troubleshooting
Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting
This chapter provides general and specific problem solving steps. Below are a number of examples of Problems (in bold text:), Causes (C:), and Solutions (S:). If your MT3410ZLX is not working properly, look up the problem and solution here; if unsuccessful, call Tech Support (see Chapter 5). At the end of this chapter is some specific steps for resolving IRQ and COM port conflicts.
No Response to AT Commands
C: The COMx port that the modem is set to may be used by another card in the computer already.
S: Change the COMx port of MT3410ZLX to a different unused port. It might be best to set it to COM3 or COM4. Even if you are not using a serial port which is set to the same COMx port as the modem, it can still interfere with the modem. Be sure to update your software COMx port setting as well.
C: The Interrupt that the modem is using may be the same Interrupt that another card is using.
S: Change the IRQ settings to a different, unused,
IRQ. Even if you are not using a serial port which is set to the same IRQ as the modem, it can still interfere with the modem.