Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Telecom Labeling Requirements
FCC regulations require labeling of registered Telephone and Data Terminal Equipment in accordance with Part 68 Subpart D. There are two options available for labeling of the device containing the MT5634SM modem module. The first option would be to use the registration number assigned to
Similarly, Industry Canada requires labeling in accordance with
FCC Part 68
(From FCC PART 68 Subpart
Section 68.300 Labeling requirements.
(a)Registered terminal equipment and registered protective circuitry shall have prominently displayed on an outside surface the following information in the following format:
Complies With Part 68, FCC Rules
FCC Registration Number: _____________
Ringer Equivalence: ____
(b)Registered terminal equipment and registered protective circuitry shall also have the following identifying information permanently affixed to it.
(1)Grantee’s name.
(2)Model number, as specified in the registration application.
(3)Serial number or date of manufacture.
(4)Country of origin of the equipment: “Made in __________.”
Required if the equipment is not manufactured in the United States. (Country of origin shall be determined in accordance with 19 U.S.C. 1304 and regulations promulgated thereunder.)
(5)As used herein, permanently affixed means that the required nameplate data is etched, engraved, stamped, indelibly printed or otherwise permanently marked. Alternatively, the required information may be permanently marked on a nameplate of metal, plastic, or other material fastened to the enclosure by welding, riveting, or with a permanent adhesive. Such a nameplate must be able to last for the expected lifetime of the equipment and must not be readily detachable.
(6)When the device is so small or for such use that it is not practical to place the statements specified in this section on it, the information required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be placed in a prominent location in the instruction manual or pamphlet supplied to the user. The FCC Registration Number and the Model Number shall be displayed on the device.
Complies With Part 68, FCC Rules FCC Registration Number:
S/N: xxxxxxx
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