On Page 21, in Electronic load, make the following resistor changes:
from 40 to 36 ohms (6030A)
from 0.4 to 0.57 ohms (6031A)
from 3.5 to 3 ohms (6032A)
from 250 to 300 ohms (6035A)
from 3.5 to 2.4 ohms (6030A)
from 0.069 to 0.043 ohms (6031A)
from 0.4 to 0.27 ohms (6032A)
from 40 to 30 ohms (6035A)
On Page 23, in Voltage Programming and Readback Accuracy step g, change the VSET values to:
VSET 170 (6030A)
VSET 50 (6032A)
VSET 425 (6035A)
On Page 23, in Voltage Programming and Readback Accuracy step h, change the range values to:
169.796 to 170.205Vdc (6030A)
49.9375 to 50.0525Vdc (6032A)
423.538 to 426.462Vdc (6035A)
On Page 23, in Voltage Programming and Readback Accuracy step i, change the values to:
± 0.216Vdc (6030A)
± 0.060Vdc (6032A)
± 2.325Vdc (6035A)
On Page 23, in Load Effect (Load Regulation) ste p c, change the output voltage to:
42Vdc (6030A)
5.2Vdc (6031A)
13.5Vdc (6032A)
150Vdc (6035A)
On Page 24, in Load Effect (Load Regulation) step h, change the values to:
0.009Vdc (6030A)
0.0035Vdc (6031A)
0.006Vdc (6032A)
0.028Vdc (6035A)
On Page 24, in Source Effect (Line Regulation) step d, change the output voltage to:
170Vdc (6030A)
50Vdc (6032A)
425Vdc (6035A)
On Page 25, in Source Effect (Line Regulation) step e, change the output current to:
4.7Adc (6030A)
35Adc (6032A)
16Adc (6035A)
1.38Adc (6035A)
On Page 25, in Source Effect (Line Regulation) step i, change the values to:
0.022Vdc (6030A)
0.008Vdc (6032A)
0.055Vdc (6035A)