Current Monitor Full Scale Calibration

Note: This procedure requires that I-MON ZERO (A2R8) be adjusted within specifications. If it is not, perform the Current Monitor Zero Calibration before proceeding.

a.Connect Rm current-monitoring shunt: (1milliohm, 6031A)

(10 milliohm, 6030A, 6032A)

(100 milliohm, 6035A)

0.05% or better across power supply output terminals.

b.Send string:

"VSET 5; ISET 17; OUT ON" (6030A) "VSET 5; ISET 120; OUT ON" (6031A) "VSET 5; ISET 50; OUT ON" (6032A) "VSET 5; ISET 5; OUT ON" (6035A)

c.Attach DVM from M to IM on the rear panel. Use six-digit display on Agilent 3458A DVM.

d.Take initial reading from DVM.

e.Attach DVM across Rm. Allow several minutes (3 or more) to ensure thermal settling. This can be noted as a stable reading on the DVM.

f.Adjust A2R9 (I-MON F.S.) to:

0.034 * initial reading ±33.5∝V (6030A)

0.024 * initial reading ±80.0∝V (6031A)

0.100 * initial reading ±0.4mV (6032A)

0.100 * initial reading ±67.0∝V (6035A)

Constant Current Full Scale Calibration

Note: This procedure requires that CC PROG ZERO (A8R29) and I-MON F. S. (A2R9) be adjusted within specifications. If they are not, perform Constant Current Zero and/or Current Monitor Full Scale Calibration before proceeding.

a.Connect Rm current-monitoring shunt: ( 1 milliohm, 6031A)

( 10 milliohm, 6030A, 6032A)

(100 milliohm, 6035A)

0.05% or better across power supply output terminals.

b.Send string:

"VSET 5; ISET 17; OUT ON" (6030A) "VSET 5, ISET 120; OUT ON'' (6031A) "VSET 5, ISET 50; OUT ON" (6032A) ''VSET 5; ISET 5; OUT ON" (6035A)

c.Attach DVM across Rm. Allow several minutes (3 or more) to ensure thermal settling.

d.Adjust A8R55 (CC PROG F.S.) to: 1.70V ±0.1mV (6030A)

0.12V ±3.0∝V (6031A)

0.50V ±30∝V (6032A)

0.50V ±40∝V (6035A)


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Image 18
Agilent Technologies 6032A, 6035A, 6031A Current Monitor Full Scale Calibration, Constant Current Full Scale Calibration