MT2834ZPX Owner's Manual
Chapter 4 - AT Commands,
There are several basic steps for “originating” and “answering” in data communication mode:
1.Load communication software
4.Terminate Call
A simple way to dial is from the keyboard of your computer or terminal. You enter a command on the keyboard to tell the MT2834ZPX to dial.
If you use a sophisticated communications software package
(e.g., MultiExpress for Windows), the software tells you to enter phone numbers and other information. If this is the case, the software, and not you, gives the dialing commands to the modem. All of the commands,
If you are giving commands directly to your modem (and not through your software), each command must begin with AT (ATtention Characters). AT characters may be entered in upper or lower case.
Entering AT automatically sets the modem’s speed to match the speed of the computer or terminal, and also sets the modem’s parity. If you are using a terminal, you can issue commands directly, but computers must be placed in terminal mode before the modem recognizes commands. To operate the computer in terminal mode, you must run a data comm package like MultiExpress, or MultiExpress for Windows, depending on the type of datacomm call you want to place and whether you are calling under a DOS or Windows environment. Refer to your software's documentation to load and run the datacomm software.
AT characters alert the modem that a command follows. The AT Command can also be used to clear the command buffer, by simply typing AT and hitting RETURN.
The letter D in a command causes the modem to dial the numbers immediately following it (e.g., ATD6127853500).