sys admin>>LINESPERPAGE Lines per page set to 22
sys admin>LINESPERPAGE 10 Lines per page set to 10
sys admin>>
The LINESPERPAGE command allows the sys admin to change the number of lines displayed per terminal page on the control card port before the MORE prompt is displayed. The number of lines to display per page is entered after the command. Entering the command without a number following will display the current amount of lines displayed per page. The default value is 22, which will work properly with a
6.8.2TIMEOUT Command
sys admin>>TIMEOUT Timeout set to 1 minutes
sys admin>>TIMEOUT 0 Timeout set to 0 minutes
0 disables the timeout from occurring
sys admin>>TIMEOUT 5 Timeout set to 5 minutes
sys admin>>
The TIMEOUT command allows the sys admin to define a time limit on how long an idle sys admin terminal may remain logged in. If there is no interaction for the defined amount of time, the control card will log out the sys admin. The time limit in minutes is entered as a command qualifier after the command, and must be entered as a whole number. Defining the time limit as 0 will disable this function. The default value is one minute.
6.9Breaking User Connections
The sys admin has four commands available to forcibly break user connections to devices. The commands BREAK and FORCELOGOUT allow the sys admin to break any connection on demand, while TELNETTIMEOUT and MODEMTIMEOUT automatically break idle user sessions for the network or modem card.
6.9.1 BREAK Command
sys admin>>BREAK 1
Break this connection? (write out YES) Yes or No: No>yes sys admin>>