sys admin>>MODEM
Enter accepts present value Init string > ATB2H0
Save changes and update modem card? Yes or No: No>yes Modem card not installed in slot A, init string saved
Current modem init string is: ATB2H0
Set modem to factory default value of: ATH0S0=1
(write out YES) Yes or No: No>yes
Modem card not installed in slot A, init string saved sys admin>>
The sys admin may also reset the initialization string to the default value by entering the command with the default qualifier in the form MODEM /DEFAULT. When using the /DEFAULT qualifier, the current initialization string is displayed, along with the factory default string. The sys admin is asked to confirm the use of the default modem string; typing YES and <ENTER> will send the default initialization string immediately to the modem card, while typing NO and <ENTER> keeps the old modem string.
It is recommended that the default modem initialization string be used unless the application requires that it be changed. The default initialization string is ATH0S0=1, which disconnects any active phone connections when the initialization string is sent, and sets the modem to
6.7Status Commands
There are six commands which allow the sys admin to check the status of the ConsoleServer 3200: CONNECTIONS, LISTCARDS, VERSION, INFO, POWERSTATUS and LOG.
6.7.1CONNECTIONS Command
The sys admin may monitor the status of connections made through the terminal cards by using the CONNECTIONS command. This command will display all the active connections and the mode of those connections as follows: