Mode 3 Single message from all ports - Same as Mode 2, except that a single message from all peripheral devices is sent to the host device upon request.
Mode 4 All messages from selected port - Same as Mode 2, but with specific port selection.
Mode 5 Single message from selected port - Same as Mode 3, but with specific port selection.
Mode 6 Time division multiplexing - Provides automatic multiplexing of data from peripheral devices by continuously scanning all ports to check for characters in the receive buffers. If a receive buffer contains data, it is transmitted through the host port in data blocks with each data block preceded by a port identification code. Transmission continues until the buffer is empty or until a
In addition to the modes of operation, you may select the serial port configuration (baud rate, word size, stop bits, parity and XON/XOFF), the message terminate character, the data block length, and the control character. These configuration changes are accomplished by entering the