Abstract Description: indicate the purpose or useful information for this entry.
Remote UserID: This is the UserID you want to contact. Refer UserID in VoIP
IP Address / Domain: indicate remote user’s IP address or domain name if this remote user does not register in the SIP server. If remote user is registered in the SIP server, this field is related to the SIP server’s IP / Domain name. Call Feature
This screen contains settings for configuring the call feature.
Check CallForwarding Unconditionally: VoIP device will forward all incoming call to the forwarding number.
Check CallForwarding On Busy: VoIP device will forward all incoming call to the forwarding number when user is already on the phone talking to someone.
Check CallForwarding On No Answer: VoIP device will forward all incoming call to the forwarding number when user is unavailable to pick up the phone.
CallForwardingNumber: specify the number to be used when user enable any type of call forwarding.
CallWaiting: Enable/Disable the call waiting feature.