Steps 1 through 14 parallel the main headings in the Installation section of this manual. For more details, see the heading that applies. Step 15 is covered in the Configuration section of this manual. Step 16 is covered in the User’s Guide for the GTI Configurator Software,
2.SITE CONTROLLER HARDWARE - Verify that the Site Controller computer is a VAX model (19A149302P5 or higher), not a PDP model.
∙Check to be sure that the revision of the Application Software PROMs is G5 or higher (replacement might be necessary).
∙Insure that the Personality PROMs have ELI selected as the interconnect mode.
4.CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS - Assign each GTI unit, the Master GTI, and the optional IAM to a specific radio channel.
5.GTI SOFTWARE - Record the GTI 552, GTI DSP, and GTI Main software version numbers for each GTI unit (including the Master GTI) and the GTI Master software version number for the Master GTI.
6.GTI TELEPHONE INTERFACE - Configure the telephone interface in each GTI unit (including the Master GTI) to match the telephone line to be connected to it.
7.GTI DIP SWITCH SETTINGS - Set the DIP switches on the side of each GTI unit (including the Master GTI).
8.GTI INTERFACE BOARD MOUNTING - Install the GTI Interface board in the GTI unit that is to be the Master GTI.
9.GTI & IAM MOUNTING - Mount the GTI units, Master GTI, and optional IAM (if supplied).
10.GTI CONNECTIONS - Make the following connections to the GTI units and Master GTI:
∙Telephone line connection
∙Power / Audio cable connection
∙PCM / Data Bus cable connection
∙Serial Data cable connections (two required - for Master GTI only)
11.IAM SOFTWARE - Record the IAM software version number (if supplied).
12.IAM CONNECTIONS - Make the following connections to the IAM unit (if supplied):
∙Power cable connection
∙PCM / Data Bus cable connection
∙Alarms (optional - no cables supplied)
∙Printer (optional - no cables supplied)
13.IAM DIP SWITCH SETTINGS - Set the DIP switches on the front of the IAM unit (if supplied) as needed.
14.GETC MODIFICATION - Modify the GETC in each EDACS MASTR III repeater that will be connected to a GTI unit or Master GTI.
15.SITE CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION - Configure the telephone interconnect parameters in the Site Controller computer’s active database using the System Manager.
16.GTI CONFIGURATION - Configure the GTI Configurator user database using the GTI Configurator software in an office PC (PC and cables not supplied).
Ericsson Inc. |
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