NCR RealScan 7883 Installation and Owner Guide
Determining Label Quality
Many labels in a typical retail environment are unreadable. The following illustration shows some of the common problems. Vendors and printers regularly supply products to the market with bar codes that are overprinted, underprinted, or truncated. Some labels have missing margins. Others may be printed around the corners of packages, or on media not likely to remain flat when picked up.
0 | 01234 5 678 9 | 6 |
Bar Code Scratched
0 | 01234 5 678 9 | 6 |
| Bar Code Torn |
0 | 01234 5 67 8 9 | 6 |
Bar Code Folded
001234 5 678 9 6
Poor Color Contrast
00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6
Bar Code Truncated
0 01234 5 678 9 6
Red Bar Code On
Red Background
The readability of a label depends on variables such as size, placement, color, paper type, ink viscosity, and package coatings. The middle of a printing run can yield erroneous labels due to the many variants involved. In particular, poor color contrast and marginal print quality can make a label hard to read.
UPC bar code requirements are identified in the UPC Symbol Specification Manual that is published by the Uniform Code Council, Inc. Contact the following for a copy of this document.
Uniform Code Council, Inc.
8163 Old Yankee Road, Suit J Dayton, OH 45458 Phone:
Contact the following for information on Code 39 or "3 of 9" bar code labels.
634 Alpha Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA
EAN bar code requirements are identified in General Specification for Article Symbol Marking, Copyright
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