013 - 255 255
014 - 255 255
015 - 018 000
016 - 050 100
017 - 255 255
018 - 255 255
019 - 255 255
020 - 255 255
021 - 255 255
022 - 255 255
023 - 255 255
024 - 255 255
025 - 255 255
026 - 255 255
Port/LED reset state
#### = four hexadecimal digits
Each port and led are represented by a binary digit in the four hexadecimal digits as follows:
Digit Value
Power Indicator | 0x0001 |
Read LED | 0x0002 |
LED1 | 0x0004 |
LED2 | 0x0008 |
Port 1 | 0x0010 |
Port 2 | 0x0020 |
Port 3 | 0x0040 |
Port 4 | 0x0080 |
Port 5 | 0x0100 |
Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide | 6 - 23 |