Enable or Disable Port Activations by Partial Decodes
Disable Port Activation by Partial Decodes
Enable Port Activation by Partial Decodes
Enable or Disable No Read Transmission or Alternate Data Transmission Formats
A No Read transmission message can be sent via the serial port if the SV unit is receiving sync inputs. See "Serial Port Transmission Format" on page
Values for # are:
enables the No Read message to be transmitted
disables the No Read transmission
The transmission is available in any output interface mode that includes a no read condition. The transmission data format enabled (~OS#) does not affect the format of the No Read transmission.
Alternate data formats can also be transmitted using the ~LR# command.
#= 2, disables all data transmissions. The exceptions are ~SA and ~SY will cause a "normal" transmission if a bar code is in the laser beam when the command is received. This allows bar codes to be reported to ScanView during setup. A No Read transmission is not available with this setting.
#= 3, causes the SV unit to transmit bar code data only without the 88 byte field used to indicate all quality parameters. The data has no framing. The data format is determined by the state of the ~OS# command (data or all symbol characters). ~SA and ~SY will cause a "normal" transmission including the 88 byte field of verification analyses if a bar code is in the laser beam when the command is received. This allows bar codes to be reported to ScanView during setup. A No Read transmission is not available with this setting.
#= 4, is identical to ~LR3 with the exception that after the data characters a carriage return character is transmitted followed by a line feed character.
#= 5, is similar to ~LR3 in that it causes the SV Unit to transmit bar code data only in the format set by the ~OS# command. The data is framed by characters set by the ~SSbbbeee command. Commands ~SA and ~SY will allow transmission of the "normal" format including the 88 byte field of verification analyses, but the transmission will also be framed with the characters set by the ~SSbbbeee command. Therefore it may not be compatible with setup with ScanView. A No Read transmission is not available with this setting.
Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide | 6 - 15 |