About archives
Data is stored in the active database. With time, the size of the data usually increases to a point where it begins to affect the performance of the system. Hence, it is important that data that is not in use anymore is stored somewhere other than the active database.
Archiving is a systematic process which moves the data from the active database to the archive database. Periodic archiving helps to keep the size of the active database within prescribed levels, thereby improving the performance of the system.
Archives can be set up for all partitions except the system partition. The application’s installation program helps you install archives. You can install them while installing the application or creating a new partition. You can also choose them
Setting up the archive for a partition
Enabling network DTC access
If you are installing the archive database on a server other than the partition database server, you need to first enable network DTC access on the partition database server and the archive database server.
To enable network DTC access:
1.Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel.
3.In the Add/Remove Programs window, click the Add/Remove Windows Components button.
Click the Add/Remove Windows Component button
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