Important: Make sure you provide the DNS host name and not the IP address of the server. If you
don't provide the host name, the installation will fail.
Database listen port: MSSQL server port number.
Cisco Database user name: User name for the Unified WIM and Unified EIM master database.
Cisco Database password: Password for the Unified WIM and Unified EIM master database user.
Provide master database parameters
9.In the Partition Database Parameters window, provide the following details:
Important: Partition database should be created on the same database server as the master
Server name: Name of the local or remote server on which your MSSQL database is installed.
Important: Make sure you provide the DNS host name and not the IP address of the server. If you
don't provide the host name, the installation will fail.
Database name: Name of the partition database.
Database listen port: Port number of the MSSQL Server.
Cisco Database user name: User name of the Unified WIM and Unified EIM database.
Cisco Database password: Password for the Unified WIM and Unified EIM database user.
46 Cisco Unified Web and