2.RPM Setting (Fig. 45)
Select RPM
Select the appropriate RPM to configure
Address Change
Change the RPM’s ID. The factory default setting is RPM00, which is not configurable. The user must change the RPM’s ID to RPM01 through RPM16.
The user can rename the RPM.
Outlet Identification.
The user can rename the individual outlets.
Phone controllable
The user can configure each outlet to be telephone controllable.
Control Type
•Instant Shutdown: When the outlet is turned off, the outlet will shutdown immediately.
•Safe Shutdown: When the outlet is turned off, there will be a time delay (before the outlet turns off) according to the value in the “Power Off Delay” field.
•Safe Reboot: When the outlet is turned off, there will be a time delay (before the outlet turns on again) according to the value in the “Power Resume Delay” field.
Power off Delay
There will be a time delay before the outlet turns off according to the value in this field.
Power Resume Delay
There will be a time delay before the outlet turns on according to the value in this field.
Fig. 45-RPM Setting Screen