FST ATK – Normally, a controlled linear attack time of 1.5ms per 40dB is provided. Press this button to select a fast attack time (100µs per 40dB). The attack time is the time taken for the Gate/Expander to ‘recover’ once the signal level is above the threshold. When gating signals with a steep rising edge, such as drums, a slow attack may effectively mask the initial ‘THWACK’, so you should be aware of this when selecting the appropriate attack time.
RELEASE – This determines the time constant (speed), variable from 0.1 to 4 seconds, at which the Gate/Expander reduces the signal level once it has passed below the threshold. Note that this control interacts with the Range control.
HOLD – Determines the time after the signal has decayed below the threshold before the gate starts to close. Variable from 0 to 4 seconds.
KEY – Switches the Dynamics side chain to the ‘KEY’ input on the rear panel of the unit.
LINK – The side chain control signals of multiple modules can be linked by pressing the LINK switch on those modules you wish to gang. When two (or more) Dynamics sections are linked, the control voltages of each section sum together, so that whichever section has the most gain reduction will control the other section.
Don’t try to link two gates using the LINK button when you want the signal on one to open the other. If you need to achieve this effect, take a keying signal from one section to trigger the other. The easiest way to do this is by patching from the ‘source’ signal to the Key input of the ‘destination’ channel, and selecting KEY (see above) on this channel.
XR618 |
G | ∞ |
| 8GF | CHF |
FDG | K | HF |
| |
| GK |
| GF |
| M |
| I |
F | KF |
| CIF | 8GF |
FDG | K |
| F | K |