1 Introduction
The 82440 LX PCI mainboard is a
Key Features
¥Processor supports:
Ñ686 (PII) CPU up to 66 MHz host bus frequency (233 ~ 333 MHz)
Ñauto detection of CPU voltage
ÑSlot 1 support
¥DRAM controller:
Ñsupports 4 strips of
Ñsupports auto detection of memory type
Ñsupports ECC or Parity configuration
Ñhas onboard memory configurations from 8MB to 512MB
¥BUS controller:
Ñcomplies with the PCI specifications v2.1
Ñsupports Universal Serial BusÑUSB (Optional)
¥Peripheral controller:
ÑSystem BIOS
Ñonboard supports for two high speed UARTS (w/i 16550 FIFO) and Multimode parallel port for Standard, Enhanced (EPP) and high speed (ECP) modes, PS/2 mouse function
Ñonboard supports FLASH Memory for easy upgrade BIOS
Ñonboard supports IR function