SDIO Simplified Specification Version 2.00
13. SDIO Physical Properties
This chapter is not included in the Simplified Specification.
13.1SDIO Form Factors
The SDIO definition encompasses different form factors:
•miniSDIO — compatible with host sockets designed for miniSD memory cards
13.2Full-Size SDIO
The SDIO card is compatible with host sockets designed for SD memory cards. In addition, the SDIO cards can be extended to allow for external connectors, antennas etc. With the exception of the write protect switch, all SDIO cards shall meet the mechanical specifications described in the SD Physical Specification for that portion of the card that is not extended. The WP switch is not supported by hosts for SDIO only cards.
The rest of this section is not included in the Simplified Specification.
The miniSDIO card is compatible with host sockets designed for miniSD memory cards. In addition, the miniSDIO cards can be extended to allow for external connectors, antennas etc. All miniSDIO cards shall meet the mechanical specifications described in miniSD Card Addendum Version 2.00, Part 1 Physical Layer Specification Version 2.00 for that portion of the card that is not extended.
When a miniSDIO card is inserted into a miniSD to SD memory card adaptor, and
The rest of this section is not included in the Simplified Specification.
14. SDIO Power
14.1SDIO Card Initialization Voltages
SDIO Version 2.00 eliminate the voltage range
14.2SDIO Power Consumption
The SDIO cards are intended to operate in mobile devices that have limited power sources available. Because the host’s battery life may be significantly reduced if the SDIO card draws excessive power, a primary goal of SDIO designers should be low power. By reducing power consumption to a minimum, Host battery life and consumer satisfaction will be enhanced. The following power data represents the maximum that a SDIO card may draw. It is important for designers to note that a low power host may reject any SDIO card that identifies