| ©Copyright |
SDIO Simplified Specification Version 2.00 | |
LOW, HIGH | Binary interface states with defined assignment to a voltage level |
MBIO | |
miniSDIO Card | A SDIO card based on the miniSD card form factor. |
MMC | MultiMedia Card |
MSB, LSB | The Most Significant Bit or Least Significant Bit |
OCR | Operation Conditions Register |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
PnP | Plug and Play a means to identify an SDIO device and optionally load |
| applications and/or drivers without user intervention |
R/O | Read Only |
R/W | Read or Write |
RAW | Read After Write |
RCA | Relative Card Address register |
Resume | |
RFU | Reserved for Future Use. Normally |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RWC | Read Wait Control |
SCR | SD Configuration Register |
SDA | SD Association |
SDCLK | SD clock signal |
SDIO | SD Input/Output |
SDIO aware | A host designed to support the signals and protocol of SDIO devices |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
A SDIO device that operates with 200 mA or less of current at all times. | |
Stuff bit(s) | Filling bit(s) to ensure fixed length frames for commands and responses. |
Suspend | Temporarily halting the transfer of data |
TBD | To Be Determined (in the future) |
A driver stage which has three output driver states: HIGH, LOW and high | |
| impedance (which means that the interface does not have any influence on the |
| interface level) |
Tuple | Data blocks in a linked list or chain format |
VDD | + Power supply |
VSS | Power supply ground |
W/O | Write Only |
WP | Write Protect |