Proceeding Peg Survey, continued
Sample dialog: | [MEASURE] or [DIST]/[REC] | |
| Angle and distance |
| measurements are |
| triggered and stored |
| in the internal |
| memory. |
| [EXIT] | Terminates the |
| program and returns |
| to the |
[REJECT] Reject the measurement and measure the set again.
[ACCEPT] Accept the result and continue with the next set.
>Step 8 Enter the reflector height (hr) for the foresight point, if required.
>Step 9 Aim at foresight point and measure.
TPS400 Mining
Repeat > Step 6 and > Step 9 until all sets are measured.
If the tolerances after a set are not met, the user has the option to continue with the measuring or rejecting the data.
12 | Peg Survey |