~PP / ^PP - Programmable Pause
The ~PP command takes the printer offline as soon as the current label being printed is completed. The exact moment at which this occurs in the label stream may not match exactly. The ^PP command takes the printer offline after the label definition in which the command appears is finished printing.
^PQ - Print Quantity
The ^PQ command controls printing operations such as the number of labels to print, labels printed before the printer pauses, and replications of each serial number.
~PR / ^PP - Print Rate
This command sets the print speed of the printer in inches per second. The exact set of available speed settings provided by the PPI is printer dependent and may not match those available through ZPL.
^RB - Define EPC Data Structure
This command defines the structure of EPC data, which can be read from or written to an RFID tag.
^RF - Read or Write RFID Format
This command allows you to read or write to an RFID tag. For PTX, the starting block number is one, since we only have one block of tag data. Zebra provides additional blocks but they are not being used.
^RM - Enable RFID Motion
This command enables or disables RFID motion. When disabled, Zebra does not move the label. PTX moves the label if there is data to print on the label. When enabled, both Zebra and PTX moves the label.
^RR - Specify RFID Retries for Read/Write
This command changes the number of times that the printer attempts to read or write to a tag. By default, Zebra attempts six retries. PTX attemps two retries. The command value ranges from 0 to 10 for Zebra and 1 to 9 for PTX.
NOTE: However, zero is not an available option for the SL5000r/T5000r printer.
^RS - RFID Setup
This command sets up parameters including tag type, read/write position of the transponder, and error handling. Currently, only the read/write position of the transponder and label retry are supported by PTX.
^RT - Read RFID Tag
This command tells the printer to read the current RFID tag data. For PTX, the starting block number is one, since we only have one block of tag data. Zebra provides additional blocks but they are not being used.