Chapter 3
^RZ - Set RFID Tag Password
This command lets you define the password for the tag during writing.
~SD - Set Darkness
Identical darkness values may not produce the same relative darkness on your printer as ZPL. This command overrides the current value of the darkness setting front panel option.
^SP - Start Print
With ZPL I selected, this command is ignored. With ZPL II selected, printing does not start until ^XZ is received.
^SX - Set Alert
This command requests the printer to send an alert message when a certain condition is set or clear.
The serial port is the only supported destination for route alert.
PQ Done is the only supported condition type. If both condition set and condition clear are enabled, a message will be sent immediately while the job is still in progress and another message will be sent when the job is complete.
~WC - Print Configuration
PPI uses the Printronix configuration format.
^WD - Print Directory
The PPI format of this directory may differ from the ZPL format.
^WT - Write RFID Tag
This command allows you to program the current RFID tag with the data. For PTX, the starting block number is one, since we only have one block of tag data. Zebra provides additional blocks but they are not being used.
AUTOEXEC Bootup File
PPI supports this feature via the PTR SETUP capability to process files in
Missing Characters with Font E (OCR-B)
PPI uses the PSA