a nswer is Yes, a nd it will ena ble you to store your informa tion (exc luding the C redit C a rds) on the 360 Degree Web sec ure website serverforba c kup purposes in c a se the c a rd is lost/ stolen. If you c hoose No, you will only be a ble to sa ve My Info, C redit C a rds a nd 5 Websites on your Sma rtC a rd.

5Log in to a website where you a re a lrea dy registered.

6Pla tinumKey a utoma tic a lly stores yourlogin da ta a nd a sks foryour c onfirma tion to a utoma tic a lly log you in the next time you a c c ess the site . C lic k Yes a nd c ontinue browsing.

7To c lose Pla tinumKey when you a re finished browsing, right-c lic k on the Pla tinumKey ic on on your Windows ta skba r a nd selec t C lose Pla tinumKey.

Pla tinumKey provides a list ofa llthe logon pa ges tha t you ha ve stored. To go direc tly to a ny site on the list either double -c lic k it or selec t it a nd c lic k the G o button. Also, you c a n c lic k the View button to view the selec ted website informa tion inc luding Web Na me, User Na me,

Pa ssword, a nd Web URL. Simila rly, type the first letter(s) of a site on the list, a nd the site will be sea rc hed a nd selec ted.

You c a n Edit a nd Delete the sites a s well a s other informa tion, a nd Sa ve or C a nc el the c ha nges you ma de, by selec ting the button c orresponding to ea c h c omma nd.

Using passwords

Three pa ssword types protec t your c omputer from una uthorized

a c c ess. Setting these pa sswords c rea tes severa l different levels of protec tion for your c omputer a nd da ta :

Setup Pa ssword prevents una uthorized entry into the BIOS Utility. Onc e set, you must key-in this pa ssword to ga in a c c ess to the BIOS Utility. See “BIOS Utility” on pa ge 55 a nd your online guide for more deta ils.

Power-On Pa ssword sec ures yourc omputera ga inst una uthorized use . C ombine the use ofthis pa ssword with pa ssword c hec kpoints on boot-up a nd resume from hiberna tion for ma ximum sec urity.

Ha rd Disk Pa ssword protec ts your da ta by preventing

una uthorized a c c ess to your ha rd disk. Even if the ha rd disk is removed from the c omputer a nd moved to a nother c omputer, it c a nnot be a c c essed without the Ha rd Disk Pa ssword.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Using passwords