Port expansion devices

Two types of expa nsion devic es a re a va ila ble for your c omputer:

I/ O replic a tor - a dds seria l port a nd pa ra llel port c onnec tions to your c omputer.

Ea syPort - a dds a host of ports for your c omputer, a nd a llows you to c onnec ta nd disc onnec tperiphera ls from yourc omputerin one quic k step.

See your dea ler for more informa tion.

Upgrade options

Your c omputer delivers superior power a nd performa nc e . However, some users a nd the a pplic a tions they use ma y dema nd more . This c omputer a llows you to upgra de key c omponents when you need inc rea sed performa nc e .

Note: C onta c t youra uthorized dea lerif you dec ide to perform a key c omponent upgra de .

Memory upgrade

Memory is expa nda ble to 1024 MB or1 G B, employing 128/ 256/ 512-MB a nd supports 133 Mhz industry sta nda rd soDIMMs (Sma ll Outline Dua l Inline Memory Modules). The c omputer supports SDRAM

(Sync hronous Dyna mic Ra ndom Ac c ess Memory).

There a re two memory slots on your c omputer, one of whic h is

oc c upied by sta nda rd memory. You c a n upgra de memory by insta lling

amemory module into the a va ila ble slot, or repla c ing the sta nda rd memory with a higher-c a pa c ity memory module .

Installing memory

Follow these steps to insta ll memory:

1Turn off the c omputer, unplug the AC a da pter(if c onnec ted) a nd remove the ba ttery pa c k. Then turn the c omputer over to a c c ess its ba se .

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Upgrade options, Port expansion devices, Memory upgrade, Installing memory