3 Troubleshooting your c omputer

Requesting service

International Traveler’s Warranty (ITW)

Your c omputer is ba c ked by a n Interna tiona l Tra veler’s Wa rra nty (ITW) tha t gives you sec urity a nd pea c e of mind when tra veling. Our worldwide network of servic e c enters a re there to give you a helping ha nd.

An ITW pa ssport c omes with your c omputer. This pa ssport c onta ins a ll you need to know a bout the ITW progra m. A list of a va ila ble,

a uthorized servic e c enters a re in this ha ndy booklet. Rea d this pa ssport thoroughly.

Alwa ys ha ve your ITW pa ssport on ha nd, espec ia lly when you tra vel to rec eive the benefits from our support c enters. Pla c e your proof-of- purc ha se in the fla p loc a ted inside the front c over of the ITW pa ssport.

If the c ountry you a re tra veling in does not ha ve a n Ac er-a uthorized ITW servic e site, you c a n still get in c onta c t with our offic es worldwide .

There a re three wa ys to a c c ess Ac er for tec hnic a l support a nd informa tion:

Internet servic e worldwide, visit http:/ / www.a c ersupport.c om/

Telephone support in the United Sta tes a nd C a na da , c a ll 1-800- 816-2237

Tec hnic a l support numbers in va rious c ountries

You c a n view a list of tec hnic a l support numbers by following these steps:

1C lic k on Start, Settings, Control Panel.

2Double -c lic k on System.

3C lic k on the Support Information button.

Before you call

Plea se ha ve the following informa tion a va ila ble when you c a llAc erfor online servic e, a nd plea se be a t your c omputer when you c a ll. With yoursupport, we c a n reduc e the a mount of time a c a ll ta kes a nd help solve your problems effic iently.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Requesting service, International Traveler’s Warranty ITW, Before you call