1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te

2Selec t Shut down a nd c lic k on OK. - or -

you c a n putthe c omputerin Sleep mode by pressing Fn-F4. Then c lose a nd la tc h the displa y.

When you a re rea dy to use the c omputera ga in, unla tc h a nd open the displa y, a nd press a ny key. If the power indic a tor is off, the c omputer ha s entered Hiberna tion mode a nd turned off. Press, slide a nd relea se the power switc h to turn the c omputer ba c k on. Note tha t the

c omputer ma y enter Hiberna tion mode a fter it is in Sleep mode for a period of time . Turn the power on to wa ke up the c omputer from Hiberna tion mode .

What to bring to short meetings

A fully c ha rged ba ttery runs the c omputer for a bout 3 hours under most c irc umsta nc es. If your meeting is shorter tha n tha t, you proba bly do not need to bring a nything with you other tha n the c omputer.

What to bring to long meetings

If your meeting will la st longer tha n 3 hours or if your ba ttery is not fully c ha rged, you ma y wa nt to bring the AC a da pter with you to plug in your c omputer in the meeting room.

If the meeting room does not ha ve a n elec tric a l outlet, reduc e the dra in on the ba ttery by putting the c omputer in Sleep mode . Press Fn- F4 or c lose the displa y c over whenever you a re not a c tively using the c omputer. Then ta p a ny key or open the displa y to resume .

Taking the computer home

“when you a re moving from your offic e to your home or vic e versa ”

Preparing the computer

After disc onnec ting the c omputer from your desktop, follow these steps to prepa re the c omputer for the trip home:

Ma ke sure tha t you ha ve removed a ny media , diskette a nd

c ompa c t disc , in the drive(s). Fa ilure to remove the media c a n da ma ge the drive hea d.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Taking the computer home, What to bring to short meetings, What to bring to long meetings