Launch key | Default application |
P1 | Use |
P2 | Use |
P3 | Multimedia a pplic a tion |
Ma il | Ema il a pplic a tion. The LED of the ma il button will |
| fla sh when the user ha s inc oming ema il |
Web browser | Internet browser a pplic a tion |
Email checking function
When you first sta rt up your system, a Ma il C hec king dia log box will be displa yed. In this dia log box, you ha ve the option to la unc h the progra m a t sta rtup or not, set the time for ma il c hec king, etc . If you a lrea dy ha ve a n ema ila c c ount, you c a n fillin the Ma ilProperties in the dia log box.
The Ma il Server is the server na me where you get your ema il, for exa mple: JohnSmith@hotma il.c om, the Ma il Server is hotmail.com.
Aside from the ema il c hec king func tion, there is a ma il button tha t is used to la unc h the ema ila pplic a tion. Itis loc a ted a bove the keyboa rd