1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te
of file s.

Running PlatinumKey

Pla tinumKe y p rov id e s one -c lic k logon to a ll p a ssword-re quire d
we b site s. With its uniq ue Sm a rtC a rd c a c hing te c hnolog y, you c a n
grea tly extend the limited c a rd memory size to unlimited use by
storing your private data in an encrypted file either on the SmartCard,
or on the 360 Degree Web secure website server.
Informa tion in Pla tinumKe y, like the one s in My Info a nd C re dit C a rd s,
can be transferred to other applications using the "drag-and-drop"
me thod: simply point the c ursor to the fie ld c onta ining the
information, press and hold the left mouse button, then drag the
c ursor to the a p plic a tion a nd drop the informa tio n the re .
Pla tinumKey a lso ma kes it c onvenient to c hange your pa ssword. There
is a lwa ys a PWD b utton a va ila b le , whic h is e quiv a le nt to the C ha ng e
Password button in PlatinumSec ure.
Follow these steps to use PlatinumKey:
1 Ope n your browse r to c onne c t to the Inte rne t.
2 Double-c lic k on the PlatinumKey ic on on your Windows desktop.
3 Enter your SmartC ard password and c lic k OK.
4 If Pla tinumKey is being used for the very first time, it will ask
"Would yo u like to link to 360 De gre e We b se c ure we bsite se rve r
to b a c kup the informa tion on your Sma rtC a rd ? " The d e fa ult
TM360.book Page 40 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM