An Online guide is your helping ha nd
c omputer.
To a c c ess the online guide:
1C lic k on Start, Programs, TravelMate.
2C lic k on TravelMate Online guide.
La stly, there ma y be a Read me first sheet inc luded with your pa c ka ge whic h c onta ins importa nt reminders a nd upda tes. So, plea se rea d through it.
For more informa tion a bout our produc ts, servic es, a nd support informa tion, plea se visit our web site (http:/ / globa l.a c er.c om).
Basic care and tips for using your computer
Turning your computer on and off
To turn on the c omputer, simply slide a nd then relea se the power switc h on the left side of your Tra velMa te .
To turn the power off, do a ny of the following:
•Use the Windows Shut Down... c omma nd
C lic k on Start, Shut Down..., a nd selec t Shut down; then c lic k on OK.
•Use the power switc h
Note: You c a n a lso use the power switc h to perform power ma na gement func tions. See “Ba sic power ma na gement” on pa ge 28.
•Use the c ustomized func tions for power ma na gement
You c a n a lso shut down the c omputerby c losing the displa y c over, or by pressing the sleep hot key
ma na gement” on pa ge 28.