1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te

Important! When you la unc h the DVD pla yer for the first time, the progra m a sks you to input the region c ode . DVD disc s a re divided into 6 regions. Onc e your DVD drive is set to a region c ode, it will pla y DVD disc s of tha t region only. You c a n set the region c ode a ma ximum of five times (inc luding the first time), a fter whic h the la st region c ode set will rema in perma nent. Rec overing your ha rd disk does not reset the number of times the region c ode ha s been set. Refer to the ta ble la ter in this sec tion for DVD movie region c ode informa tion.

2The DVD movie will a utoma tic a lly pla y a fter a few sec onds.

Region code

Country or region




U.S.A., C a na da




Europe, Middle Ea st, South Afric a , Ja pa n




Southea st Asia , Ta iwa n, Korea (South)




La tin Americ a , Austra lia , New Zea la nd




Former U.S.S.R., pa rts of Afric a , India




People's Republic of C hina



Note: To c ha nge the region c ode, insert a DVD movie of a different region into the DVD-ROM drive . Plea se refer to the online help for more informa tion.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Region code Country or region