Important safety instructions

Rea d these instruc tions c a refully. Sa ve these instruc tions for future referenc e .

1Follow a ll wa rnings a nd instruc tions ma rked on the produc t.

2Unplug this produc t from the wa ll outlet before c lea ning. Do not use liquid c lea ners or a erosol c lea ners. Use a da mp c loth for c lea ning.

3Do not use this produc t nea r wa ter.

4Do not pla c e this produc t on a n unsta ble c a rt, sta nd, orta ble . The produc t ma y fa ll, c a using serious da ma ge to the produc t.

5Slots a nd openings in the c a binet a nd the ba c k orbottom a re provided for ventila tion; to ensure relia ble opera tion of the produc t a nd to protec t it from overhea ting, these openings must not be bloc ked or c overed. The openings should neverbe bloc ked by pla c ing the produc t on a bed, sofa , rug, or other simila r surfa c e . This produc t should never be pla c ed nea r or over a ra dia tor or hea t register, or in a built-in insta lla tion unless proper ventila tion is provided.

6This produc t should be opera ted from the type of power indic a ted on the ma rking la bel. If you a re not sure of the type of power a va ila ble, c onsult your dea ler or loc a l power c ompa ny.

7Do not a llow a nything to rest on the power c ord. Do not loc a te this produc t where persons will wa lk on the c ord.

8If a n extension c ord is used with this produc t, ma ke sure tha t the tota l

a mpere ra ting ofthe equipment plugged into the extension c ord does not exc eed the extension c ord a mpere ra ting. Also, ma ke sure tha t the tota l ra ting ofa llproduc ts plugged into the wa lloutlet does not exc eed the fuse ra ting.

9Never push objec ts of a ny kind into this produc t through c a binet slots a s they ma y touc h da ngerous volta ge points or short out pa rts tha t c ould result in a fire or elec tric shoc k. Never spill liquid of a ny kind on the produc t.

10Do not a ttempt to servic e this produc t yourself, a s opening or removing c overs ma y expose you to da ngerous volta ge points orotherrisks. Refera ll servic ing to qua lified servic e personnel.

11Unplug this produc t from the wa ll outlet a nd refer servic ing to qua lified servic e personnel under the following c onditions:

a When the power c ord or plug is da ma ged or fra yed b If liquid ha s been spilled into the produc t

c If the produc t ha s been exposed to ra in or wa ter

d If the produc t does not opera te norma lly when the opera ting instruc tions a re followed. Adjust only those c ontrols tha t a re c overed by the opera ting instruc tions sinc e improper a djustment of other

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Important safety instructions