SmartCard Manager

The Multiple user support is implemented a nd ma na ged in Sma rtC a rd Ma na ger. Plea se note tha t five users c a n be registered on one PC . If you registered a s the Prima ry User, ONLY you c a n a dd/ remove other users. If you registered a s a regula r user, other registered users c ould a dd/ remove you. All registered users will be a ble to use the View Sma rtC a rd users option.

Change Password

C lic k the Change Password button, fill in the three fields in the

Cha nge Pa ssword dia log box, a nd then c lose the dia log boxby c lic king the OK button to c ha nge the Sma rtC a rd pa ssword.


Pla tinumSec ure c a n a lso be used to enc rypt/ dec rypt files exc ept for system files or files tha t a re a lrea dy enc rypted with other a pplic a tions. Double -c lic k on a file to a utoma tic a lly enc rypt/ dec rypt it. However, if the file is a ssoc ia ted with a n a pplic a tion, it will be opened with tha t a pplic a tion instea d ofbeing enc rypted. Note tha tthe enc ryption is not rec ursive . Tha t is, when you enc rypt a folder, only the files immedia tely under tha t folder a re enc rypted, other files under subfolders a re not.

To find the Enc rypt/ Dec rypt c omma nds:

Right-c lic k on the Sta rt menu,

Right-c lic k on a folder or ic on on your Windows desktop, or

In Windows Explorer, right-c lic k on a selec ted folder, file, or group

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual SmartCard Manager, Change Password, Encrypt/Decrypt