1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te

Basic power management

This c omputer ha s a built-in power ma na gement unit tha t monitors system a c tivity. System a c tivity refers to a ny a c tivity involving one or more of the following devic es: keyboa rd, mouse, floppy drive, ha rd disk, periphera ls c onnec ted to the seria l a nd pa ra llel ports, a nd video memory. If no a c tivity is detec ted for a period of time (c a lled a n ina c tivity timeout), the c omputer stops some or a ll of these devic es in order to c onserve energy.

This c omputer employs a power ma na gement sc heme tha t supports AC PI (Adva nc ed C onfigura tion a nd PowerInterfa c e) whic h a llows for ma ximumpowerc onserva tiona ndma ximumperforma nc ea tthesa me time . Windows ha ndles a ll power-sa ving c hores for your c omputer.

Refer to your online guide for more informa tion.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Basic power management