FCC notice

This devic e ha s been tested a nd found to c omply with the limits for a C la ss B digita l devic e pursua nt to Pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea sona ble protec tion a ga inst ha rmful interferenc e in a residentia l insta lla tion. This devic e genera tes, uses, a nd c a n ra dia te ra dio frequenc y energy a nd, if not insta lled a nd used in a c c orda nc e with the instruc tions, ma y c a use ha rmful interferenc e to ra dio c ommunic a tions.

However, there is no gua ra ntee tha t interferenc e will not oc c ur in a pa rtic ula r insta lla tion. If this devic e does c a use ha rmful interferenc e to ra dio or television rec eption, whic h c a n be determined by turning the devic e off a nd on, the user is enc oura ged to try to c orrec t the interferenc e by one or more of the following mea sures:

Reorient or reloc a te the rec eiving a ntenna

Inc rea se the sepa ra tion between the devic e a nd rec eiver

C onnec t the devic e into a n outlet on a c irc uit different from tha t to whic h the rec eiver is c onnec ted

C onsult the dea ler or a n experienc ed ra dio/ television tec hnic ia n for help

Notice: Shielded cables

All c onnec tions to other c omputing devic es must be ma de using shielded c a bles to ma inta in c omplia nc e with FC C regula tions.

Notice: Peripheral devices

Only periphera ls (input/ output devic es, termina ls, printers, etc .) c ertified to

c omply with the C la ss B limits ma y be a tta c hed to this equipment. Opera tion with non-c ertified periphera ls is likely to result in interferenc e to ra dio a nd TV rec eption.


C ha nges or modific a tions not expressly a pproved by the ma nufa c turer c ould void the user’s a uthority, whic h is gra nted by the Federa l

C ommunic a tions C ommission, to opera te this c omputer.

Use conditions

This pa rt c omplies with Pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules. Opera tion is subjec t to the following two c onditions: (1) this devic e ma y not c a use ha rmful interferenc e, a nd (2) this devic e must a c c ept a ny interferenc e rec eived, inc luding interferenc e tha t ma y c a use undesired opera tion.

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual FCC notice, Use conditions