The c omputer ha s seven ea
The Power a nd Sleep sta tus ic ons a re visible even when you c lose the displa y c overso you c a n see the sta tus ofthe c omputerwhile the c over is c losed.
Icon | Function | Description |
| Wireless | Lights when the Wireless LAN c a pa bilities a re |
| C ommunic ation | ena bled. |
| Power | Lights when the c omputer is on. |
| Sleep | Lights when the c omputer enters Sleep mode . |
| Media Ac tivity | Lights when the floppy drive, ha rd disk or |
| Ea syLink C ombo drive is a c tive . |
| Ba ttery C ha rge | Lights when the ba ttery is being c ha rged. |
| C a ps Loc k | Lights when C a ps Loc k is a c tiva ted. |