The keyboard does not respond.

Try a tta c hing a n externa l keyboa rd to the PS/ 2 c onnec tor on the c omputer’s rea r. If it works, c onta c t your dea ler or a n a uthorized servic e c enter a s the interna l keyboa rd c a ble ma y be loose .

I prefer using an external keyboard and mouse, but both have PS/2 connectors and there is only one PS/2 port on the computer.

To c onnec ttwo PS/ 2-type devic es to the c omputer, you need to use a n optiona l PS/ 2 Y-bridge c onnec tor.

The infrared port does not work.

C hec k the following:

Ma ke sure tha t the infra red ports of the two devic es a re fa c ing ea c h other (+/ - 15 degrees) a ma ximum of 1 meter a pa rt.

Ma ke sure tha t there is a c lea r pa th between the two infra red ports. Nothing should be bloc king the ports.

Ma ke sure tha t you ha ve the a ppropria te softwa re running on both devic es (for file tra nsfers) or tha t you ha ve the a ppropria te drivers (for printing to a n infra red printer).

During the POST, press F2 to a c c ess the BIOS Utility a nd verify tha t the infra red port is ena bled.

Ma ke sure tha t both devic es a re IrDA-c omplia nt.

I want to set up my location to use the internal modem.

To properly use your c ommunic a tions softwa re (e .g., HyperTermina l), you need to set up your loc a tion:

1C lic k on Start, Settings, Control Panel.

2Double -c lic k on Modems.

3C lic k on Dialing Properties a nd begin setting up your loc a tion. Refer to the Windows ma nua l.

I get a “Not Enough Space for Allocation” error message from the Sleep Manager program.

This is a n error messa ge tha t ma y a ppea r when Sleep Ma na ger is

c rea ting the Hiberna tion file . There a re severa l different rea sons tha t ma y c a use this error:

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Acer TravelMate 360 manual Keyboard does not respond, Infrared port does not work